Note: For Beginners, start learning kruti dev font typing in free. Check out the tutorial give below
You can give Kruti dev typing test in different time duration like 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes where you can test your typing speed online of Hindi kruti dev. Most government jobs typing exams like Bank, Railways, SSC, etc. conduct their typing test in Kruti Dev font keyboard layout. With our learning and testing techniques, you can easily conduct government typing exams.
We have provided a virtual hand and hindi keyboard on the screen so you DO NOT look at the keyboard again and again. This virtual hand and an on-screen keyboard will guide you throughout your lessons and it will show you which you have to press with which finger.
You will learn the key positions faster if you don\'t peek a the keyboard when training. If you can\'t remember where a key is located, check the keyboard picture on the seen to find it.
Keep your wrists up and straight when typing Resting your wrists on the wrist rest or the desk will create an uncomfortable angle making it more difficult to move your fingers. This cause errors and slows you down. Holding your wrists too high has the same effect increasing the tension in the shoulders.
We believe that good accuracy is the building block of fluent typing. This is why you will have an accuracy target throughout the course. Your speed will develop over time as you continue to train and start using your typing skills on a daily basis.
Sit up straight, elbows close to the body. Try to keep shoulders, arms and hands relaxed to avoid tension and discomfort.